Sub-Menu Items

Sub-Menu Items


This menu items deals with record keeping in association with the office assessment. Please click on the following resources....


This menu item deals with WHIMIS protocols associated with the office assessment. Please click on the following resources....

Ventilation and Respiratory Issues

This menu item deals with respiratory and ventilation issues associated with the office assessment. Please click on the following resources....

Substance Abuse

This item deals with substance abuse protocols associated with the office assessments. Please click on the following resources....


This menu item deals with staff and facility issues in accordance to the office assessment. Please click on the following resources....


This menu item deals with the sedation protocols associated with the office assessment. Please click on the following resources....

Scope of Practice

This menu item deals with scope of practice of for dental assistance in accordance to the office assessment. Please click on the following resources....


This is the menu item that deals with radiological protocols in accordance with the office assessment. Please click on the following resources....

Post Exposure

This menu item deals with the post exposure protocol associated with the office assessment. Please click on the following resources....

The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA)

This menu item deals with The Personal Health Information Act in accordance with the office assessment. Please click on the following resources....
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Friday, February 14, 2025


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Important Documents

  • Pharmacological Behaviour Bylaw >

    Pharmacologic behaviour management – Anxiolysis, sedation, general anesthesia - is a continuum. It is not always possible to predict how an individual

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  • Office Assessment Bylaw >

    The Taskforce on Office Assessment (TFOA) was established by the Board in 2008 with a mandate to review and develop

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  • Minimum Required Documents >

    Similar to the pre-visit questionnaire, office policy and protocol documents will be reviewed prior to the visit. The documents requested

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    The pre-visit questionnaire consists of a range of questions reviewing various areas of your practice. It is designed to allow

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